Thursday, 17 March 2011

Hungarian relatives!

I am so thrilled to have discovered that I have shared ancestry with two people who are of Hungarian descent! These two people are themselves 5th cousins and they match in the same location as my mother, making all three of them (and me!) related via shared ancestors from the Hungarian region c. 1780. It's always a gamble predicting a time frame for these relationships but I'm just happy to have found some relatives to support what the biogeographical tests were saying! Thanks to both of them for all their help!
Latest Ancestry Finder updates include someone who is Hungarian/Croatian/Bosnian/Bosnian and another who is Ukrainian/Polish, plus a mystery Romanian/Unknown.
Given my new cousins have Romanian ancestry themselves and come from Transylvania, I'm wondering if this mystery match also has some Hungarian ancestry.
My mother also gets quite high scores on Eurogenes to Central Europe/Hungary.
I'm sticking to my Galicia emmigrant theory!