Sunday, 10 July 2011

Hungarian ancestry continued and more!

These two cousins who share a common ancestor with me are both have lived in Romania. However they believe the link is through their Hungarian ancestry. One cousins mother has taken the test and has confirmed the Hungarian ancestry!

A new cousin is a 5th cousin from Lithuania. They believe their ancestry to be 100% Lithuanian, but given the history of that region, I am not surprised that we now have a connection to that country.

A new distant cousin with Hungarian ancestry has popped up with the new features at 23andme, as well as a relative that was born in Switzerland (5th cousin) who is yet to respond.
Had one decline who declared their ancestry to be near/middle east and has Jewish name and haplogroups. Wouldn't surprise me if our link was via some Jewish convert years ago from Central Europe.

Sweden matches are still high but hover around 5.6cM or under. Not sure what to make of this, could be ancient. Danish matches have increased but still in same levels as Sweden. Latvia has appeared through a mixed Swedish/Danish/Latvian at 5.5cM and also Israel/Lebanon/Latvia/Latvia and Russia/Russia/Estonia/Latvia matches.

A new tool called DIYDodecad has revealed that the top 10 best fit for my mother, as a prediction of her ancestry, is 50% British 50% Hungarian. In the latest run a third of her top 30 scores are 60% British 40% Hungarian. When a family member wrote to the creator of the DIYDodecad programme, they said these scores are reflective of someone who is Western European with some minority Eastern European (Russian) or more substantial Central European such as German or Hungarian!