Monday, 26 March 2012

Gedmatch Eurogenes k12b by chr comparison

Below: Dodecad by chr admixture comparison.

Below: Eurogenes k12b by chr admixture comparison.

Gedmatch have released various admixture tools from the Eurogenes project. One of them allows you to compare relatives at Gedmatch on the chromosome segments you share with them and will break your matches down into admixture proportions.

I compared my mother and one of her Szekely cousins using this feature and attached is the result. I also compared the segment using the Dodecad utility which does a similar thing.
Once again there is a visible "peak" which Dr Ann Turner tells me supports the fact that the match is real-the size of the peaks do not necessarily have to be the same as siblings etc would inherit varying amounts of the same DNA. What is really exciting is what the peak represents-Dodecad suggests Paleo-African which I'm not sure about, but Eurogenes suggests North Asian, which I would think is more plausible or at least something to do with the Szekely.