Friday, 11 May 2012

Gedmatch matches to Eastern Europe

Just a quick tally of Gedmatch matches over 700 cM and 700 SNPs:
7.1cM Ukraine
7.4cM Hungary
7.4cM Russia (Samara/Kazan region)
7.7cM Russia
8.4cM Hungary/Romania (Szekely cousin)
9.2cM Lithuania/Latvia (5th cousin)
9.5cM Lithuania
Addition using FTDNA kit:
7.3cM Hungary/Romania (Szekely cousin Granddaughter)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Latest Gedmatch Eurogenes chromosome comparison results.

I compared the K12 and the Hunter-Gatherer vs Farmer calculators with the Szekely cousin who has shown "peaks" in common in my previous post.
This time there is still something in that location that is shared in common but it appears a lot smaller. Not sure about the Pygmy gatherer, but African was picked up on one of the other comparisons too. Volga-Ural makes more sense.

Hungarian match number 6!

Yes via Gedmatch, we now have Hungarian match number 6. They don't think they have any Szekely ancestry, but I don't see why we can't have regular Hungarian ancestry too!
All their matches are either Jewish or Eastern European, there aren't any UK matches. I say this because it is always nice to affirm as much as possible the fact that the match is not possibly on our UK side!