Friday, 12 November 2010

Relative Finder/Ancestry Finder update

There is always hope when people who don't come from melting pot country's accept your invitation! All matches (unless made public) are anonymous, usually just giving haplogroups so you don't know where these cousins come from until they accept.
Well a 5th cousin from Denmark has accepted and a 7th cousin who is Swedish/Finn! So there now seems to be some Scandinavian in the mix! Sweden is 3rd highest match on Ancestry Finder for all 4 Grandparents and there is a 50% Norwegian 50% Swedish match at 2+ Grandparents.

The Danish surname is remarkably like the family surname of my unknown ancestor too...
I wonder if there is a Baltic conection....I noticed that a 4th cousin who is 1/4 Baltic German matches in the same region with other people of German or Jewish ancestry on HIR search. The people on HIR search were the equivalent of 5th-10th cousins. The Swedes lived in Latvia, the Danes in Estonia, the Germans in Latvia together with the Jews. And this is quite weird, because the analysis at Eurogenes suggested Polish and/or Baltic ancestry!!
Incedentally, the 5th cousin who is Hungarian/Romanian matches with Poles and Lithuanians.

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