I have just discovered that using the Decodeme Genome Browser, one of my relatives' X chromosomes shares a segment at 10Mb with the Granddaughter of one of her top matches at HIR search! The segment length at HIR search would be the 23andme equivalent of around a 5th cousin...(Gedmatch suggests 4th cousin once removed) but they do not appear as relatives on 23andme because the SNPs they share are below 1000. This HIR match shares at two locations on the same chromosome too for a total segment length of 14.5cM. The family is Ukrainian. I am thrilled because my relative only shares with two other people on this region of the X and one is Polish and the other part Slavic. No other friends out of the 300 at Decodeme share in that region at 10Mb. A total of four people share with my relative at 10Mb. The 4th crosses over the end of the segment length and is of Colonial (including German), Finn and recently discovered Jewish ancestry. So do they cross where a past German or Jewish ancestor is shared?
So it would seem that whilst the Grandmother gave her Granddaughter no segments of DNA that are in common with my relative on any other chromosomes, she did pass on some shared information within her X chromosome.
So it would seem that whilst the Grandmother gave her Granddaughter no segments of DNA that are in common with my relative on any other chromosomes, she did pass on some shared information within her X chromosome.
*Update-I have been in touch with the person from Poland who matches on the X chromosome.
They tell me that they come from a place called Bialoboki close the the Ukrainian border! I have checked the locations of our Ukrainian relatives family, and they lived about 480 miles away!
Even more bizarre is looking at the location, it's not that far from Hungary where we have a 5th cousin-Budapest is only 332 miles away!
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