As I can't seem to add an update under the table of rare SNPs, I'll have to post here.
I checked the African SNP over at SPSmart and sure enough it does seem to be only African. I say does seem because it is only recognised on the HapMap database which I think has very limited populations, whereas the other African SNPs I found were on databases that included a variety of populations from each continent.
It seems this SNP is only found in 7% of Africans and only in the Yoruba on the West Coast over at SPSmart. I checked the SNPs location and it seems to be at the end of the chromosome so this again makes me cautious as I have read that matches here can be very old ie ancient. That plus the limited populations means (I think) that I can't confirm this is definitely from the ancestor responsible for the larger segment. But given it is found in west coast populations and Caribbean's, then it does make sense. Nothing shows up on the admixture calculators so I will archive it as a maybe.
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