I submitted my relatives Decodeme data to a project which plots you onto a map, just like the map of kinship at Decodeme and the global similarity at 23andme.
The person who runs the project has revealed that my relative is situated initially at first glance within the Orkney sample cluster, but when the image is viewed three dimensionally, she also appears near Poles. Similarly, she scores highly on the project genome similarity feature with Poles, Brits and Scandinavians. I think this is reflecting the fact that she is half British by placing her with Orkney samples but the fact she is drifting towards Poles, again like Decodeme, suggests to me she has Slavic ancestry too.
If you are interested in seeing where you fit on the plot, then see the site below:
So results from all tests so far are:
Decodeme: Matches to Britain, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine, Russia. Map of kinship: Between East/West Europe.
HIR search: Matches to Britain, Ireland, Germany, Ukrainian Jew.
23andme: Relative finder matches: Colonial American, Hungarian/Romanian (some Jewish), possible Ashkenazi Jew-Haplogroups/surname.
Ancestry finder: British, Irish, Swedish, Swiss, German, Norwegian. A Jewish match at 4GP and several at 1GP including Polish/Israeli/Romanian, Polish/Ukrainian and relative above from Hungary/Romania.
Global similarity: In English and Irish boxes, near Germans.
Eurogenes: Plot-Orkney/Polish, genome similarity: US, Polish, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian, English.
Actual ancestry: 50% British (of which most English and about 1% Irish! Could be some more Irish but hard to verify) 50% unknown American.
I can see a trend forming....
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