Sunday, 12 September 2010

Relatives found!

Thanks to 23andme, it appears that I have some genuine US relatives afterall! I'm still in the process of contacting them (there's over 200 and when you can only contact 5 a day you can see what a lengthly process this will be!) still, there are some who have got back to me.
A 4th cousin has ancestors around the PA area, lots of colonial British and Germans and their surnames do not match surnames in my known British ancestry so we can assume the connection really is via the US, and one 5th cousin is Hungarian!!!
Even if surnames can't be shared to find a connection, the pattern of regions that my relatives ancestors came from will hopefully give me an idea as to my own ancestry on my US side.
I'm trying not to jump the gun, but I have noticed that some 5th cousins have Jewish and Middle Eastern haplogroups, although I know that these are only two lines (Y and MtDNA) out of many within someone's tree.
It seems that from these few contacts, they do seem to tie in with Decodeme's map of kinship and their genetic affinity feature.
I'm hoping to compile a list of every relative and their origins and will put it on here soon!

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